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Is ablative radioiodine necessary for low risk differentiated thyroid cancer patients.





Inclusion Criteria

To be eligible, all of the following inclusion criteria must be met:
• Aged 16 years or above.
• Histologically confirmation of differentiated thyroid carcinoma. 
• RO total thyroidectomy (in one or two stages with no residual disease present) within the last 6 months.
• Written informed consent.

Exclusion criteria

• The patient is ineligible if any one of the following exclusion criteria are met:
• pT1a – papillary and Follicular carcinoma which is unifocal and <1cm in size. Also pN1b and M1
• R1 Thyroidectomy
The inclusion and exclusion for this study is extensive.  If you require any more detailed information please contact the study doordinator.


Now Closed
Lead Centre: UCL University College London


Study Coordinator:

IoN Trial Coordinator
Cancer Reasearch UK & UCL Cancer Trials Centre
90 Tottenham Court Road
London W1T 4TJ

Tel: 020 7679 9392
Fax: 020 7679 9871