Accelerated 2
The Accelerated development of novel and personalised treatments using new and repurposed therapeutic agents and individualised treatment selection and monitoring
Accelerated 2
Summary & Eligibility:
This research project is about screening potential therapeutic agents with the aim of finding a treatment that can eventually be taken forward into clinical trials (see study schema below). To enable the screening process to take place we need to produce cell lines (a population of cells grown from a single cell which contains the same genetic makeup) from both cancerous and non-cancerous tissue donated from this study.
Tissue will be collected from patients who are undergoing investigation or surgery for diseases affecting the head and neck area as part of standard clinical care.
A small biopsy will be taken from the area of concern and from an area of normal tissue. During normal clinical surgery/investigations one small bite of tissue is taken (the size of 2 grains of rice), this research would like to take an extra 2-3 bites of tissue and a blood sample. This will all be done while the patient is asleep under local anaesthetic.
General Inclusion Criteria:
- Participants undergoing biopsy or surgery as part of normal routine care from sites including head and neck, thyroid, cervix, vulva, colorectal, lung, liver, oesophageal, breast, prostate, bladder, uterus and brain
- Participants with recurrent or metastatic cancers after previous primary treatment for the above conditions can be included.
- Aged 18 years and above
- Ability to give written informed consent
General Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients less than 18 years old.
- Patients who would be clinically disadvantaged, e.g. with severe anaemia.
- Patients with known immunodeficiency syndromes e.g. HIV.
- Patients unable to give informed consent e.g. patients with severe mental disability or vulnerable adults
For full inclusion and exclusion criteria contact the InHANSE team.
Status: Open
Sponsor: University of Birmingham
Study Coordinator:
Tessa Fulton-Lieuw
InHANSE Trial Team Leader
Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences
Institute of Head and Neck Studies and Education (InHANSE)
Robert Aitken Building, 2nd Floor
University of Birmingham, Birmingham
B15 2TT