Following a recent meeting in Birmingham I have been trying to think of ways to help.
I hope that like me you were impressed by the efforts of Hisham and his team to improve the lives of cancer sufferers. It has certainly galvanised me into action.
One way I think we can all help is in raising funds to enable the “Preliminary Studies” some of which were covered at the meeting. I think it would be great if we could put together a team with the aim of raising such funds.
Such a group could act as a conduit and source of help for individual fund raising and a platform for developing group initiatives.
If you think this is a good idea and are able to support it please get in touch.
Finally please don’t think I am being “pushy” I don’t want to set up an enormous bureaucracy, just to do something to help cancer sufferers and ease the burden on Hisham’s team.
Best Regards
Phill Rhodes
Email: phill@ttmauk.com
Tel: 01527 854367
Mobile: 07836 293153