Farewell to Baksho and Shevy
28 April 2017
April has been a busy month for the InHANSE team, it started with Nick's 30th Birthday which obviously called for pizza and cake and it has ended with more pizza and cake as we bid farewell to Baksho and Shevy. Baksho is not going too far and is staying in the University. She has accepted a promotion with another team in the IBR, and has promised to come back and visit. Student Shevy has finished her research time with us and has written up her dissertation, we wish her good luck with wherever her future leads.
The end of April also sees goodbye to the Head and Neck Fellow Pawel Golusinski who heads back to Poland and also to our visitor from Italy, Dr Pasquale di Maio who has been observing at the hospital for the past six months and has also been doing some research work with InHANSE.