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Professor Mehanna to Chair a session at ASCO

Professor Mehanna will be Chairing a Head and Neck Session this year at ASCO, held once again in Chicago, USA.  ASCO is the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology held in Chicago.   This year's theme is the "Future of patient-centered care and research".  

The  ASCO annual meeting is one of the worlds largest congress meetings.  It attracts more than 30,000 delegates from all over the world, and includes education sessions including sessions addressing issues including surgical, radiation, and geriatric oncology; symptom management; health services research; international perspectives; and pathology, as appropriate.  Clinical Problems in Oncology Sessions combining the use of case-based panel discussion with interactive keypad technology for audience participation.  Poster sessions.  Discussion sessions.  ASCO also has a daily newspaper.

This is the second year running that Professor Mehanna has spoken at ASCO.