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New collaboration at InHANSE

Silence therapeutics announces plans to carry out a Phase Ib investigator-led  trial to test the safety of Atu027.  This study  run by the Institute of Head and Neck Studies and Education (InHANSE) at the University of Birmingham will test Atu027 in combination with cisplatin, 5-FU and cetuximab, concentrating on first line and second line patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.  If results are positive, this study would support future investigations on whether Atu027’s presumed anti-metastatic activity would work synergistically with the anti-neoplastic activity of traditional oncology drugs.

In the next 12 months, we hope to recruit up to 18 patients with the aim of evaluating the safety and toxicity of Atu027 in combination of cisplatin, 5-FU and cetuximab, in order to establish a safe dose, as well as to define any dose limiting toxicities, a maximum tolerated dose and recommended dose for a Phase II trial.  We will also seek to develop assays to measure effects of Atu027 on PKN3 and other markers in endothelial cells.


link to press release;